Translation for "estar y asistir" to english
Estar y asistir
Translation examples
Todos están invitados a asistir.
All are invited to attend.
No pudieron asistir
Unable to attend
- Asistir a sus reuniones.
- attend their meetings
Tendrás que asistir.
You’ll have to attend.’
—Sí. De esta manera podré asistir (legalmente asistir) al proceso.
Yes. That way I can attend – legally attend – the proceedings.
—¿No asistirá a la cena?
Not attend the dinner?
—No; el jefe no asistirá.
No, the leader will not attend.
–¿Y estás obligado a asistir?
“And you are compelled to attend?”
No llegó a asistir a ella.
He never attended it.
—¿Está obligado a asistir?
“Are you compelled to attend?”
Yo asistiré personalmente.
I will personally attend.
Se os invita a todos a asistir.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
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