Translation for "fumarlos" to english
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Nadie quería fumarlas.
Nobody wanted to smoke them.
Terminaba por comerlos y fumarlos yo mismo.
I ended up eating them or smoking them myself.
—No puedo fumarlos —aduje—, me irritan la garganta.
'I can't smoke them,' I told him. 'They give me a sore throat.'
Nadie que se pudiera permitir algo mejor hubiese aceptado fumarlos.
No one who could have afforded anything better would have been content to smoke them.
Ah Kay se preparó un par de pipas, y tras fumarlas apagó la lámpara.
Ah Kay now made himself a couple of pipes, and having smoked them put out the lamp.
Nigel dice que vio al señor Scruton fumarlos en la sala de profesores a la hora de comer, pero ¿será verdad?
Nigel said he saw Mr Scruton smoking them in the staff room at dinner-time, but surely this can’t be true?
Pero me he acostumbrado a fumarlos porque es el único tabaco que se puede comprar aquí, y el hecho de que todo el mundo fume la misma marca nos lo pone un poco más fácil a los adictos como yo.
“But I’ve learned to smoke them because they’re the only cigarettes you can buy up here, and when everyone smokes the same brand that makes things a little easier for addicts like me.
—¡Dios mío! —exclamó. Estaban colocando un gigantesco cartel metálico con la leyenda: «Compre Smogs… USTED DEBE FUMARLOS.» La calle se hallaba literalmente cerrada al tráfico por unos individuos con banderines rojos: una grúa móvil estaba trabajando… y mal, por lo visto.
"My God," he said. A gigantic metal sign with the legend, Buy Smogs--You Can SMOKE Them, was being hoisted across the street ahead. The street was nominally closed to traffic by cheerfully inattentive men with red flags; a mobile boom hoist was doing the work, and quite obviously doing it wrong.
Este joven, que primero extraía placer de los cigarrillos, luego droga y después nada, hasta que el hecho de fumarlos se convirtió en un mero gesto; que bebía primero por la fosforescencia y la realidad que ello prestaba a una pared o a un dintel y luego bebía para escapar de un mundo de estupideces hasta llegar a uno de significado apocalíptico, que se arrojó al partido porque allí había gente que sabía a dónde iba el mundo…, este joven, salvaje e ignorante, que pedía ayuda y la rechazaba, orgulloso, amante, apasionado y obsesivo.
This young man, sucking first pleasure then drug then nothing out of fags until they became as he smoked them no more than a gesture—drinking first for the phosphorescence and reality it brought to a wall or a lintel, then drinking to escape from a world of nonsense into one of apocalyptic meaning—throwing himself into the party because there people knew where the world was going—this young man, wild and ignorant, asking for help and refusing it, proud, loving, passionate and obsessed: how can I blame him for his actions since clearly at that time he was beyond the taste or the hope of freedom?
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