Translation for "gay es" to english
Translation examples
Sra. Gay McDougall*
Gay McDougall*
En Singapur, los grupos gay mantienen debates públicos y sitios web, se exhiben películas y obras teatrales de temática gay y hay bares y clubes gay.
Gay groups have held public discussions and published websites, and there are films and plays on gay themes and gay bars and clubs in Singapore.
No... Gay es bueno.
- No, gay is good.
Ser gay es estúpido.
Being gay is stupid.
Gay es nuestra coreógrafa.
Gay is our line captain
¿Suponiendo que "gay" es anormal?
Implying that "Gay" Is abnormal?
bueno, que tan gay es?
Well, how gay is he?
Gay es bueno.
- Gay is good.
Qué gay es eso
How gay is that?
¿Qué tan gay es ésto?
How gay is this?
Gay es el nuevo negro.
Gay is the new black.
¿Cómo de gay es ese poeta gay? —¿Cómo de gay?
“How gay was the gay poet?” “How gay?
   - Gay salta, Gay salta.
Gay Bounce, Gay Bounce.
   - Gay casa, Gay salta.
Gay Home, Gay Bounce.
Gay Deceiver clínica ejecuta Gay salta Gay salta.
Gay Deceiver Clinic Execute Gay Bounce Gay Bounce.
   - Gay salta, Gay salta. ¡Gay salta! Astrogador.    - Sí, capitana.
"Gay Bounce Gay Bounce Gay Bounce! Astrogator." "Yes, Captain."
—Yo no me he vuelto gay, era gay. Lo soy.
“I didn’t turn gay, I was gay. Am.”
   - Gay Deceiver -respondió Gay Deceiver.
"Gay Deceiver," answered Gay Deceiver.
Gay Deceiver clínica ejecuta Gay salta.
Gay Deceiver Clinic Execute Gay Bounce.
Y he sido Miss Gay Dixieland y Miss Mundo Gay.
And Miss Gay Dixieland and Miss Gay World.
Aunque sea gay, es demasiado incestuoso.
Even if she is gay, it's just too incestuous.
No, a ver, aquí es cuando las cosas se ponen un pelín complicadas porque si Frank cree que Mac es gay es porque
No, well, see, here's where things get just a little bit tricky, because Frank thinks Mac is gay because...
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