Translation for "hablar de esas cosas" to english
Hablar de esas cosas
  • talk about those things
  • talk about these things
Translation examples
talk about those things
No estás cualificada para hablar de esas cosas en nuestro programa.
You're not qualified to talk about those things on our show.
- No deberíamos hablar de esas cosas.
That's all. We shouldn't have talked about those things.
Nunca le vi utilizar esos objetos, nunca le escuché hablar de esas cosas.
I never saw him use those items, I never heard him talk about those things.
Se puede hablar de esas cosas conmigo.
You can talk about those things with me.
No tiene permitido hablar de esas cosas.
He's not allowed to talk about those things.
En alguna parte hay que hablar de esas cosas.
You have to talk about those things somewhere.
"Los judíos profanan nuestras Navidades" Conozco algunos judíos, que pensaron que estaba causando problemas, que no se debería hablar de esas cosas.
I know among other Jews, some of them thought that it was making waves. Shouldn't talk about those things!
Usted sabe que yo no puedo hablar de esas cosas, señorita Frost.
You know I can't talk about those things, Miss Frost.
Oye, ¿pero hacen una reunión para hablar de esas cosas.
But how are they going to have a meeting to talk about those things?
Es sólo que no quiero hablar de esas cosas.
I just do not want to talk about those things.
No mencionó la escasez de comida, ni la enfermedad de su padre, pues hablar de esas cosas le angustiaba aún más, y ya tenían bastantes preocupaciones.
He didn't dwell on the lack of food or his dad's illness, since talking about those things made him feel more anxious and there was enough bad stuff going on around them, anyway.
talk about these things
Deberías hablar de esas cosas con tus supervisores.
You should talk about these things with your seniors like us.
Tenemos que hablar de esas cosas que crees recordar.
But we need to talk about these things that you think you remember.
Víctor dice que debes hablar de esas cosas.
Victor says you have to be open, talk about these things.
Amigo, no es el momento para hablar de esas cosas.
My friend, now is not the time to talk about these things.
Si no puedes hablar de esas cosas, entonces ¿cómo puede algo...
If you can't talk about these things, then how can anything ever...
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