Translation for "ir venir" to english
Ir venir
Translation examples
Tienes que ir, venir.
You have to go, come.
Ir... Venir... Subir, bajar... abrir la puerta, "Adelante, señor."
Going... coming... going up, coming down... opening the door 50 times.
Ok vamos, ni siquiera tengo que ir, venir.
Ok let's go, even I need to go, come.
—Había un monje en la prisión, señorita, un monje franciscano que me enseñó palabras tales como «comida, amigo, baño, ir, venir, verdadero, falso, aquí, allí, yo, tú, por favor, gracias, quiero, no quiero, prisionero, sí, no», etcétera.
"There was a monk in the prison, senhorita, a Franciscan monk, and he taught me. Things like, 'food, friend, bath, go, come, true, false, here, there, I, you, please, thank you, want, don't want, prisoner, yes, no,' and so on.
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