Translation for "islam sea" to english
Islam sea
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Translation examples
- Ansar al-Islam (alias Devotees of Islam; Jund al-Islam; Soldiers of Islam; Kurdistan Supporters of Islam; Supporters of Islam in Kurdistan; Followers of Islam in Kurdistan; Kurdistan Taliban; Soldiers of God)
- Ansar al-Islam (a.k.a. Devotees of Islam; Jund al-Islam; Soldiers of Islam; Kurdistan Supporters of Islam; Supporters of Islam in Kurdistan; Followers of Islam in Kurdistan; Kurdistan Taliban; Soldiers of God)
La legislación egipcia admite las conversiones al islam pero no las del islam a otras religiones.
Egyptian law recognizes conversions to Islam, but not from Islam to other religions.
c) Diversas publicaciones sobre el Islam y cuestiones culturales, el Islam y el mundo actual y el Islam y los derechos de los ciudadanos.
(c) Publications on Islam and cultural issues; Islam and the current world; and Islam and the rights of citizens.
—¡No, eso no es el islam!
“No, that is not Islam!”
Pero nosotros sabemos lo que es el islam, ¡islam es la paz!
But we know what Islam stands for. Islam is peace.
—¡Lo habrán matado en nombre del islam! ¿Eso es el islam?
“And they claim to have killed him in the name of Islam! So that’s Islam?”
Uno propone un islam moderado, otro, un islam fundamentalista, y un tercero, un islam laico (!), abierto y republicano.
One approach results in a moderate Islam, another in a fundamentalist Islam, a third in a secular (!), open, democratic Islam.
La «ira del islam» no la generaba el islam sino las fechorías de Occidente.
The “rage of Islam” was driven not by Islam but by the misdeeds of the West.
El resultado era el islam.
The result was Islam.
Es el color del Islam.
It is the colour of Islam.
The Problem with Islam
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