Translation for "le grito" to english
Le grito
Translation examples
shouted him
le gritó—. Repite esa frase y te estrangularé aunque estés en medio de tus cosacos.
-shouted him-. Repeat that phrase and I'll strangle you though be in the midst of your Cossacks.
Le grité cosas desagradables.
It sat there and I shouted abuse.
A este amor le grito:
To this love I shout:
Así que le grité.
So I shouted at her.
Le grité, pero nada.
I shouted but she's gone.
-Le grité, no quiso escuchar.
I shouted, you wouldn't listen.
La amenacé, le grité.
I threatened, I shouted.
Le grito a todos los barcos.
# At every boat I shout out
Le grité "¡Sal de ahí!"
I shouted to her. "Come away!"
le grité a Bentham.
I shouted at Bentham.
le grito a Clito—.
I shouted at Cleitus.
Le grité desde la puerta:
I shouted through the door.
le grité a la cara—.
I shouted in his face.
le grité, pero él siguió.
I shouted, but he kept on.
¿Acaso le grité?
Was I yelling at her?
Le grité, mamá.
I yelled at 'em, mom.
¿A quién le grito?
Who do I yell at?
Le grité a Susan.
I yelled at Susan.
Le grité en voz alta.
I yelled loudly.
¿Dónde le grito?
Where do I yell at you?
Y yo le grité.
And I yelled at her.
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