Translation for "le susurra" to english
Translation examples
Supongo que le susurró palabras de amor también.
I suppose he whispered sweet nothings to you too, huh?
Le susurra a su esposa "No llores cariño".
He whispers to his wife: "Don't cry, honey."
Ella dijo que le susurró al oido.
She just said that he whispered in her ear.
Y luego, cuando le susurra al irse respecto a la venganza, creo que una vez le susurró "actor de televisión".
And then, when he whispers to him when he leaves, you know, about payback, I think he whispered once to him, "Television actor."
El bastardo la atrajo hacia él, y le susurró algo.
The bastard pulled her in, and he whispered something to her.
- Pero le susurró algo cuando se estaba muriendo.
But he whispered something to her as he was dying.
Luego se acostó cerca, y él le susurró con una sonrisa,
Then he lay down close by and he whispered with a smile,
Le susurró algo al hombre que tenía al lado.
And he whispered something to the guy sitting next to him.
—Tú serás mía —le susurró.
‘You will be mine,’ he whispered.
habla en susurros y el susurro indica el camino".
He whispers, and in the whisper is the way.
le susurró a la tempestad.
he whispered into the tempest.
–¿Por qué susurras? –susurró Victor.
‘Why are we whispering?’ Victor whispered.
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