Translation for "leche leche" to english
Leche leche
Translation examples
Leche, leche, limonada, a la vuelta está listo el fudge.
Milk, milk, lemonade, around the corner fudge is made.
Pero para el leche, leche, las que casi me tengo al verla desaguisar!
But as for milk, milk [sperm], I almost got some by seeing her naked!
Cocos, plátanos, mangos, pescado seco, keroseno, leche... ¿Leche?
Coconuts, bananas, mangoes, dried fish, kerosene, milk... Milk?
'"Humor en leche."' '"Leche y sus derivados."
"Humour in Milk." "Milk and its Derivatives."
Pero antes quisiera un poco de leche. —¿Leche?
‘But, first I got to have some milk.’ ‘Milk?’
Si por lo menos tuviésemos algo para alimentarle; un poco de leche… —¿Leche?
If only we had something to nourish him; some milk—" "Milk?"
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