Translation for "llorando de dolor" to english
Llorando de dolor
Translation examples
crying of pain
Estaba encogido, llorando de dolor. —¡A ella primero… a ella!
He was curled up, crying with pain, but he forced his voice to work. “Her first—her!”
Pagó para que orinara sobre él mientras yacía en el suelo llorando de dolor, pero ella no pudo, se limitó a coger el dinero y se largó.
He paid for her to pee on him as he lay on the floor crying in pain, but she couldn’t do it. She just grabbed the money and ran.
Cambara no se ocupa de Crío, que, con los ojos como platos por el miedo, contempla lo que les ha hecho a sus dos compinches bravucones, paseando la mirada de Cambara a Ojos Lascivos y Compañero Armado, que yacen poco menos que exánimes en el suelo, uno agarrándose la garganta entre quejidos, el otro con las manos en la entrepierna y llorando de dolor, y por último a su compañero silencioso, que posiblemente sea sordo o mudo o algo así, piensa Cambara.
She does not bother with MereBoy, who, wide-eyed with fear, bears witness to what has been done to his two tough-looking companions and looks from Cambara to Red-Eye and ArmedCompanion, who lie almost lifeless on the ground, the one holding his throat and groaning, the other clutching his crotch and crying with pain, and finally to their silent companion, who is probably deaf or dumb or something, Cambara thinks.
Pagó para que orinara sobre él mientras yacía en el suelo llorando de dolor, pero ella no pudo, se limitó a coger el dinero y se largó.
He paid for her to pee on him as he lay on the floor crying in pain, but she couldn’t do it. She just grabbed the money and ran.
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