Translation for "logro más alto" to english
Logro más alto
Translation examples
Alfred Housman (1859-1936) cuyo libro The Shropshire Lad rivaliza con In Memoriam, de Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), en representar quizá (no, suprímase ese cobarde «quizá») el logro más alto de la poesía inglesa en un siglo, dice en alguna parte (¿un prólogo?) exactamente lo contrario: el erizarse de los pelillos excitados le molestaba para afeitarse; pero como los dos Alfredos utilizaban sin duda una navaja ordinaria y John Shade una vieja Gillette, la discrepancia puede deberse al empleo de instrumentos diferentes.
Alfred Housman (1859-1936), whose collection The Shropshire Lad vies with the In Memoriam of Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) in representing, perhaps (no, delete this craven "perhaps"), the highest achievement of English poetry in a hundred years, says somewhere (in a foreword?) exactly the opposite: The bristling of thrilled little hairs obstructed his barbering:, but since both Alfreds certainly used an Ordinary Razor, and John Shade an ancient Gillette, the discrepancy may have been due to the use of different instruments.
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