Translation for "mandarlo de vuelta" to english
Mandarlo de vuelta
Translation examples
y también, los turcos o los británicos puede detener el barco y mandarlo de vuelta.
And also, the Turks or British may stop the boat and send it back.
No sólo exorcizarlo o mandarlo de vuelta al infierno, realmente matarlo.
Not just exorcise it or send it back to hell. Actually kill it.
Estabilizarla, esperar a que la fractura se abra, y mandarla de vuelta.
Stabilize it, wait for the rift to open and send it back.
¿No vas a mandarlo de vuelta a, dónde, el orfanato?
Oh, you're gonna send it back, what, to the orphanage?
Tenemos que mandarlo de vuelta.
We have to send him back.
Mandarlos de vuelta a la ciudad.
Send them back into the city.
—Podríamos mandarlos de vuelta.
“We could send them back.”
Estoy por mandarlo de vuelta, Lowry.
“I’ve half a mind to send you back, Lowry.”
¯¿Y planean ustedes mandarlos de vuelta a la Tierra? ¯No.
“And you plan to send them back to Earth?” “No.”
—Tendré que mandarla de vuelta, sacarla de aquí.
“I’ve got to send her back, get her out of here.”
El viejo ese iba a mandarlos de vuelta allí.
Old muttonhead 'us goin' to send 'em back.
Si no, no podré mandarlo de vuelta con su tía.
Otherwise I can’t send him back to the aunt.”
—Igual deberíamos mandarlo de vuelta a la India.
Maybe we should send him back to India.
En vez de mandarla de vuelta a la luna enviármela a mí.
Maybe instead of sending her back to the moon, they should let her come stay with me?
Estoy reconsiderando mandarlo de vuelta de todas formas.
- I'm reconsidering sending him back anyway.
Podemos mandarle de vuelta por el portal.
We can send him back. The portal works both ways.
Pues no podemos mandarle de vuelta.
Then we can't send him back.
¿Puedo tan sólo mandarlo de vuelta?
Can't I just send him back?
Todo lo que pueden hacer es mandarlo de vuelta.
All they can do is send him back.
Voy a mandarlo de vuelta a Francia.
I'm sending him back to France.
¿Crees que podemos mandarlo de vuelta?
Think we can send him back?
Encontrad una excusa para mandarlo de vuelta a Tokio.
Find an excuse to send him back to Tokyo.
Nuestro objetivo es liberarlo y mandarlo de vuelta.
Our goal is to release him and send him back out.
Si no, no podré mandarlo de vuelta con su tía.
Otherwise I can’t send him back to the aunt.”
—Igual deberíamos mandarlo de vuelta a la India.
Maybe we should send him back to India.
Recuerda, niña, lo único que queremos es mandarlo de vuelta con los suyos.
‘Remember, girl, we’re only after sending him back to his kind.’
(Primero intentaríamos detenerlo, y si eso nos salía bien, nos esforzaríamos por mandarlo de vuelta.)
(We would stop him first, and, if successful, endeavor to send him back.)
—Ha huido de casa —había dicho mi hermano—, quizá debería mandarle de vuelta.
“He ran away from home,” my brother had said, “and perhaps I should send him back?”
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