Translation for "mira brevemente" to english
Mira brevemente
Translation examples
Él parpadea y mira brevemente al señor Bryce.
He blinks and looks briefly at Mr. Bryce.
Mira brevemente a cada uno de los imperiales, luego vuelve su atención a Angel».
She looks briefly at each of the Imperials, then turns her attention to Angel.
Janey recorre apresuradamente el pasillo entre las hileras de sillas plegables, mira brevemente a su madre y luego, con igual rapidez, vuelve sobre sus pasos.
Janey hurries down an aisle between two ranks of folding chairs, looks briefly at her mother, then hurries back.
Al levantarse, lady Conan Doyle mira brevemente a la silla vacía que tiene a su lado y luego, ya de pie, flanqueada por sus hijos altos, mira a la sala.
Lady Conan Doyle, as she rises, looks briefly down at the empty chair next to her, and then stands, with one tall son on either side of her, gazing out at the hall.
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