Translation for "mujeres femeninas" to english
Mujeres femeninas
Translation examples
Lo que ahora necesitamos son mujeres femeninas y hombres masculinos.
What we need today are really feminine women and masculine men.
Era distinta de las «mujeres femeninas» con las que Tirosh se había relacionado anteriormente.
She was different from the “feminine women” with whom Tirosh had been associated before her.
Luego la miraba pensativo, manos cruzadas debajo de la barbilla, los ojos dirigidos hacia ninguna parte. Antes de seguir comiendo, declaraba: —A mí me gustan las mujeres femeninas.
Then he would look at her pensively, hands crossed under his chin, eyes staring a bit into space. Before starting to eat again, he would declare, “I love feminine women.”
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