Translation for "pagare" to english
Translation examples
—Un pagaré de Valint y Balk.
A promissory note from Valint and Balk.
Incluso estoy dispuesto a firmarte un pagaré.
I’ll even sign a promissory note.”
Randy firmó las copias del pagaré.
Randy signed the copies of the promissory note.
Es un pagaré para futuros bienes o servicios.
It is a promissory note for future goods or services.
Acepté el pagaré directamente de él.
I took the promissory note off him direct.
—gritó Yoseb, agarrando el pagaré cancelado.
Yoseb shouted, clutching the canceled promissory note.
—Un pagaré de la Banca Valint y Balk.
“A promissory note from the banking house of Valint and Balk.”
Eran certificados de bolsa, títulos de propiedad y pagarés.
These consisted of stock certificates, deeds of trust, and promissory notes.
Randy miró el pagaré, pero sin tocarlo.
Randy looked at the papers, a promissory note, without picking them up.
Me ofrecí a firmarle un pagaré, pero lo rechazó desdeñoso.
I offered to write out a promissory note but he spurned this derisively.
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