Translation for "pelos blancos" to english
Pelos blancos
Translation examples
Tienes pelos blancos por todos lados.
You've got white hair everywhere.
Has tenido suerte que me hayan sujetado, pelos blancos.
I've been lucky have attached, white hairs.
Todo lo que se encuentra estos pelos blancos en el cuello
I found all these white hairs on my collar.
Ahora, mide 70cm, orejas puntiagudas, 3 pelos blancos, y las arrugas.
- Now he's fucking-- Now he's like two foot high... - Yeah. - and, and fucking pointed tabs, white hair and hooves.
Decíanme que tenía en la barba pelos blancos, aun antes de tenerlos negros.
They told me I had the white hairs in my beard ere the black ones were there.
Esos pelos blancos de su barbilla parecian barba, el resto de la idea vino por sí sólo.
Once I saw how those white hairs on his chin looked like a beard, the rest of the idea just fell into place.
¿Ven esos pequeños pelos blancos en el tallo?
See those little white hairs on the stem?
Los dejas en el sol, se ponen marrones y les empiezan a salir pelos blancos.
You leave them out in the sun, they get all brown and start sprouting little white hairs.
Son los únicos gorilas que tienen pelos blancos.
The silverback is the only gorilla that has white hair.
¿Acierto, abuelete de pelos blancos?
Right, my white-haired nuncle?
unos finos pelos blancos cubrían la piel.
fine white hairs covered the skin.
¿Acierto, abuelete de pelos blancos? —Joven es...
Isn’t that right, Uncle White Hair?’
Tenía el pecho cubierto de largos pelos blancos.
His breasts were covered with long strands of white hair.
Sobre la pálida epidermis había unos dispersos pelos blancos.
There were sparse white hairs on the old man’s pale skin.
Se veían algunos pelos blancos sobre su labio superior.
A few white hairs grew from her upper lip.
Iba sembrando pelos blancos por las alfombras y los muebles.
She shed her white hair on the rugs and on the furniture.
Las orejas de Petyr, ribeteadas de suaves pelos blancos, se estaban alargando.
Petyr’s ears lengthened, edged with soft white hairs.
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