Translation for "pensar piensa" to english
Pensar piensa
Translation examples
La gente que está entrenada para pensar, piensa.
The people who are trained to think, think.
Si tiene que pensar, piense en el dinero que le pagan por su patriotismo.
If you have to think, think about the money you're getting for your patriotism.
- compromiso, cambio - pensar piensa y cambia tu inquieta paz
- Commitment, change. - Think. Think and change your restless peace.
¿Qué debo pensar? —Piense lo que quiera.
What am I supposed to think?” “Think whatever you like.
Jenna, debes pensar. Piensa. Necesitamos estos hombres. Necesitamos este ejército. Necesitamos este rey.
Jenna, you must think. Think. We need these men. We need this army. We need this king.
—No lo sé. Encontrar nuestra oveja perdida de pronto se ha vuelto un poco más complicado. Tengo que pensar. —Piensa rápido —dijo Brian—. Tienes una llamada.
"Finding our lost sheep has suddenly become a little more complicated. I have to think." "Think quick," Brian said. "You have an incoming call."
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