Translation for "perderse en" to english
Translation examples
era fácil perderse en la noche.
it was easy to get lost in the night.
Lo que se ha logrado no debe perderse.
What has been accomplished must not be lost.
Como ha recalcado el Secretario General, esta oportunidad no debería perderse.
As the Secretary-General has emphasized, this opportunity should not be lost.
No debe perderse el impulso creado por la Junta.
The momentum created by the Board must not be lost.
De lo contrario, los logros alcanzados pueden perderse;
Otherwise, the progress that has been achieved may be lost;
No debe perderse el ímpetu ya tomado.
This momentum must not be lost.
La fecundidad podría verse mermada o incluso perderse.
Fertility may be damaged or lost.
Todo eso estaba a punto de perderse.
All this was about to be lost.
No tienen que perderse más vidas.
No more lives have to be lost.
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