Translation for "por el adios" to english
Translation examples
Corta-corta y adiós-adiós.
Slice-slice and bye-bye.
—Sí, Boots, se han ido adiós-adiós.
They went bye-bye, Boots.
Algo alegre… Adiós, adiós, Mirlo.
Something happy – "Bye, bye, Blackbird".'
Adiós, adiós. La casa estaba al final de un callejón.
Bye, bye. This house was in a dead end.
—En ese caso, ¡adiós, adiós!
Then good-bye, good-bye!
Adiós dormitorio, adiós despacho, adiós cocina.
Good-bye, bedroom, good-bye, office, good-bye, kitchen.
¡Y ahora, adiós, adiós!
Now, good-bye—good-bye!
Adiós. Y esta vez era adiós.
“Good-bye.” And this time it was good-bye.
Adiós, adiós, se dice a sí mismo. Adiós, libertad.
    Good-bye, good-bye, he says to himself. Good-bye, freedom.
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