Translation for "poseer es" to english
Poseer es
Translation examples
Y querer poseer es querer proteger.
And to want to possess is to want to protect.
Poseer otra lengua, nos dice Carlomagno, es poseer otra alma.
To possess another language, Charlemagne tells us, is to possess another soul.
Y entonces Louis deseó, de nuevo, tomar poseer tener poseer poseer el cuerpo que albergaba dicho recuerdo.
And he wanted then, again, to take possess have take possess possess the body in which this memory resided.
Poseer para no morir.
Possessing in order not to die.
– Poseer semejante tesoro…
“To possess such a thing—”
pero no pudimos poseer del todo,
But could not quite possess completely
Para poseer, como tú, un alma.
To possess, if you like, a soul.
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