Translation for "reyes eran" to english
Reyes eran
Translation examples
Eran vasallos de Ia corona portuguesa, pero los reyes eran autónomos. No se interfería en su administración interna, sólo había un gobernador en DiIi.
They were vassals of the Portuguese Crown, but the kings were independent, and there was no interference in the internal administration of the kingdoms.
Un hombre que creía que los reyes eran pequeños dioses sobre la tierra.
A man who believed that kings were little gods on earth.
Los reyes eran nuestros queridos padres y bajo sus cuidados vivíamos en paz. Y sus gestas eran glorificadas por los poetas oficiales.
The kings were our dear fathers under whose care we lived in peace and their deeds were glorified by official poets.
Ahí era donde el rey hacía sus rituales más importantes y donde las momias de anteriores Sapa incas, o reyes, eran conservados.
That's where the king did his most important rituals and where the mummies of the previous Sapa Incas, or kings, were kept.
Todos los hijos del rey eran bellos, pero ella, la menor, lo era tanto que el mismo sol, aunque la veía a menudo, se sorprendía cada vez que ella aparecía ante él.
All the children of the king were beautiful, but she, the youngest, was so exceedingly so that the sun himself, though he saw her often, was surprised whenever she came out into his presence.
Los nuevos reyes eran muy diferentes.
The new kings were very unlike.
si los reyes eran vistos estaban muertos.
if the Kings were spotted they were dead.
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