Translation for "se publican" to english
Se publican
Translation examples
Sus dictámenes y sus estudios se publican.
Its opinions and studies are published.
Se publican los resultados.
Results are published.
Sus informes se publican.
Their reports are published;
Se publican en siete idiomas.
These are published in seven languages.
Se publican periódicos hebreos.
Jewish newspapers are published.
Aquí se publican libros muy interesantes.
Interesting books are published here.
Nunca me casaré contigo si esos recuerdos se publican.
I will never marry you if those recollections are published.
Se publican 17,000 ensayos por día.
17,000 scholarly articles are published every day.
sus artículos ya no se publican.
your papers are no longer published.
Pero ¿dónde se publican sus informes?
But where are their reports published?
Hay muchos psicólogos que publican en revistas.
A lot of psychologists publish.
—Pero si se publican por la mañana…
But they're published in the morning.
¿Por qué publican entonces sus descubrimientos?
Then why do doctors publish?
– ¿Y si ni siquiera me publican nada?
“What if I can't even get published?”
Algunos se publican por primera vez;
Some of them are now published for the first time;
Se compra todas las que se publican.
I fancy she buys almost all that are published.
—No me importa si me publican el libro o no.
"It doesn’t matter to me whether it’s published or not.
they're published
—Pero si se publican por la mañana…
But they're published in the morning.
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