Translation for "se recuperaron" to english
Translation examples
Las unidades se recuperaron posteriormente.
The units were eventually recovered.
Se recuperaron los tres vehículos.
All three vehicles were recovered.
Se recuperaron los discos que contenían el plutonio.
The discs containing plutonium were recovered.
Fue poco lo que recuperaron las instituciones financieras.
The financial institutions recovered little.
Del total de esa suma, no se recuperaron 24.601,06 dólares, se recuperaron 3.773 dólares y se evitó el pago de 1.502,40 dólares.
Of the amount, $24,601.06 was not recovered, $3,773 was recovered and payment of $1,502.40 was prevented.
No se recuperaron los fondos.
No funds have been recovered.
Las FARDC también recuperaron cédulas de identidad.
FARDC also recovered such cards.
No se recuperaron más cuerpos.
No further bodies were recovered.
Recuperaron dos vehículos.
They recovered two vehicles.
Se recuperaron tres cuerpos.
Three bodies were recovered.
¿Se recuperaron o no había nada de lo que recuperarse para empezar?
Did they recover or was there nothing to recover from to begin with?
Las llevamos al hospital y se recuperaron.
We got them to the hospital and they recovered.
Y al día siguiente se recuperaron.
And next day they recovered.
No se recuperaron bienes robados.
No stolen goods were recovered.
Más tarde, algunos peces se recuperaron.
Later, some fisheries recovered.
Recuperaron a Sarna, y luego a Vartain.
Mange was recovered, and then Vartain.
—Caramba… ¿Recuperaron el cofrecito?
Was the box ever recovered?” Neatly put, Mr.
—preguntó cuando los dos se recuperaron un poco.
she asked when they were both a bit recovered.
Recuperaron parte de sus fuerzas y se sentaron.
They recovered some of their strength and sat up.
En realidad, recuperaron casi todo el transbordador.
Actually, they recovered almost all of the shuttle.
Los bomberos no recuperaron nunca su cadáver.
The firefighters never recovered his body.
–¿Recuperaron los…? –No encontraron el cadáver de mi madre.
"Were the bodies ... "My mother's was never recovered.
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