Translation for "se resiste" to english
Se resiste
Translation examples
El aparato estatal, como la experiencia indica, se resiste al cambio;
The State apparatus, as experience teaches, is resistant to change;
El pueblo hondureño resiste heroicamente y dirá la última palabra.
The Honduran people are valiantly resisting and will have the last word.
Es sumamente importante que el Comité resista a la tentación de retirarse.
It was extremely important for the Committee to resist the temptation to retreat.
Constituyen un marco ideológico que se resiste al cambio y a la transformación.
They form an ideological framework which is resistant to change and transformation.
El problema es que la sociedad zambiana se resiste a descartar el derecho consuetudinario.
The problem was that Zambian society resisted discarding customary law.
En todo caso, el Norte Global se resiste a aplicarlo.
If anything, the global North was resistant to it.
La oposición se resiste a ello tenazmente.
The opposition is strenuously resisting this.
a) Se resiste y no puede ser detenida sin hacer uso de la fuerza, o
(a) Resists the attempt and cannot be arrested without the use of force; or
—¿Por qué te resistes?
‘Why are you resisting?’
Ella no se le resiste.
          She does not resist.
Nada se resiste al Profeta.
There is no resisting the Prophet.
La galleta se resiste.
The cookie resists.
Es posible que no se resista.
It might not resist.
—¿Y si uno se resiste?
And if you resist?
¿Por qué te resistes tanto?
Why are you resisting me on this?
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