Translation for "sembrar discordia" to english
Sembrar discordia
Translation examples
Tu estrategía para sembrar discordía fue buena.
Your stratagem of sowing discord was smart.
Su credo es sembrar discordia y matar al incauto.
Their credo is to sow discord and kill the unwary.
Nuestra sociedad está socavada por raros insectos: Judíos, masones... y hordas de ruidosos socialistas... que sólo quieren sembrar discordia en la nación... y hacer de Francia su club, su cubil, su célula.
Our society undermined by these strange insects by the Jews, by the Masons and by the hordes of bleating Socialists who want only to sow discord throughout the nation and make of France their club, their lair, their cell.
¡Quiero sembrar discordia entre ellos y ella!
I shall sow discord between them and her!
Tras un festín como el que habéis tenido, y sobre todo tras intentar sembrar discordia entre mi comandante y yo, creo que sería una lástima que no se os permitiera acabar de digerir los caracoles.
“After such a kingly meal—and especially after trying to sow discord between me and my commanding officer—I think it would be a pity if you weren’t permitted to finish digesting your snails.
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