Translation for "ser capaz de proporcionar" to english
Ser capaz de proporcionar
  • be able to provide
Translation examples
be able to provide
Es interesante que la historia es muy débil en ser capaz de proporcionar causas para ciertos efectos.
It's interesting that the history is very weak in being able to provide causes for certain effects.
Ciertamente me gustaría Para llegar a la cima De la montaña más alta En el mundo Y ser capaz de proporcionar Ese legado a mi familia
I certainly would like to get to the top of the highest mountain in the world and be able to provide that legacy to my family as something they -- now you got me.
No parece ser capaz de proporcionar alguna información sobre su pasado.
He doesn't seem to be able to provide any information on his past.
Lo se, acabo de pensar como un extraño podrías ser capaz de proporcionar una nueva perspectiva
I know. I just thought as an outsider, you might be able to provide a fresh perspective.
Incluso el pequeño Dovim debería de ser capaz de proporcionar la suficiente luz como para impedir que la gente se sumiera en el terror.
Even little Dovim should be able to provide enough light to keep people from plunging into terror.
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