Translation for "ser capturado por" to english
Ser capturado por
  • be captured by
Translation examples
be captured by
No debe ser capturado por el enemigo
You must not be captured by the enemy.
La dama debe ser capturada por el sigilo.
The lady must be captured by stealth.
Tampoco podemos ser capturados por el Cuerpo Psíquico.
And we can't be captured by Psi Corps.
Estoy a punto de ser capturado por KAOS.
I'm about to be captured by KAOS.
Nadie quería ser capturado por él.
Nobody wanted to be captured by him.
- Serás capturado por "Sailor Moon".
- You will be captured by Sailor Moon.
Solo puede ser capturada por la bondad
It can only be captured by kindness.
Sólo para ser capturada por una cuadrilla de sagoths.
Only to be captured by a Sagoth raiding party.
Puede, solo para evitar ser capturada por los Romanos.
Yes, just to avoid being captured by the Romans.
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