Translation for "ser confiable" to english
Ser confiable
Translation examples
Estamos listos para ser confiables.
We're ready to be reliable now.
ya que ningun auto arrancaba, luego llego eso, y mostro al mundo que los autos podian ser confiables.
as nobody's car started, then along came that, which showed the world cars could be reliable.
¿Están listos para ser confiables?
You're ready to be reliable now?
Pero el equipo que los opera como el resto del barco, es demasiado viejo para ser confiable.
But the equipment that runs them, and much of the rest of the ship is getting too old to be reliable.
La única respuesta ... era convencer a los actores no estatales que los invasores son útiles para un par de años ... antes de aprender mucho de ser confiables.
The only answer... was convincing the NSA that the invaders are useful for a few years... before they learn too to be reliable.
Al cabo de unas semanas, dejó de ser confiable.
After a few weeks in, he stopped being reliable.
Tengo que ser confiable, si prometo calidad, se debe garantizar.
I have to be reliable, if I promise quality, I must guarantee it.
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