Translation for "ser hospitalario" to english
Ser hospitalario
Translation examples
"Sólo trato de ser hospitalario"
"I'm just trying to be hospitable.
Trataba solamente de ser hospitalario.
I was only being hospitable.
Por eso debemos ser hospitalarias.
All the more reason we should be hospitable.
Sólo trataba de ser hospitalario Seth.
I was just trying to be hospitable, Seth.
Tenemos que ser hospitalarios pero no halagadores.
We are to be hospitable but not ingratiating.
Todas las mujeres, las buceadoras y las no buceadoras, queríamos ser hospitalarias.
Every woman—diver and nondiver—wanted to be hospitable.
Ser hospitalaria con los extraños es el sentido de crear un hogar, aunque esa niña no es exactamente una desconocida.
To be hospitable to strangers is the point of having a home, although this child is not exactly a stranger.
El párroco hacía lo imposible por ser hospitalario, animaba a Babby a succionar de una taza que él le aguantaba.
He was doing everything to be hospitable, coaxing Babby to sup from a mug that he held for her.
Para un viajero que toma razonables medidas de precaución, la selva puede ser hospitalaria y bella a la vez.
For a traveler who takes reasonable precautions, the jungle can be hospitable and beautiful as well.
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