Translation for "ser moderno" to english
Ser moderno
Translation examples
Viniste a la América para ser moderna.
Well, Shannon, you came to America to be modern.
Vamos a intentar ser modernos.
Let's try to be modern.
Uno debe empezar en serio por ser moderno.
One must indeed start off as being modern.
"Debemos ser modernos," dijo.
"We must be modern," he said.
Sólo intento ser moderno... y libre de prejuicios.
I'm just trying to be modern and without prejudice here.
¿Por qué iba a ser moderno un negro?
Why a Black would be modern?
Iba a ser moderna y honesta.
I was going to be Modern and honest.
Al diablo con ser moderno.
Fuck being modern.
Ey, no todos tienen que ser modernos.
Hey, not everyone has to be modern.
–Está tratando de ser moderno.
“He’s trying to be modern.
Hay que ser moderno y sentarse en las diferencias.
You must be modern and accept differences.
Tal es lo que entendía ella por ser moderna.
This being her sense of what it was to be modern.
Puedo ser moderna cuando se trata de un asunto como este.
I can be modern about this sort of thing.
No es moderna, y ser moderna es lo único que vale la pena hoy día.
she is not modern, and to be modern is the only thing worth being nowadays.
Pero yo no vivía en la rue de Verneuil para ser moderno.
But it was not in order to be Modern that I was living on the rue de Verneuil.
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