Translation for "ser profética" to english
Ser profética
Translation examples
Uno de los nuevos versos del Himno Nacional resultó ser profético en el momento en que las armas empezaron a disparar.
A new verse of the National Anthem proved to be prophetic as the big guns began to fire.
Parece que mi aviso falso resultó ser profético.
Looks like my fake post of big news turned out to be prophetic.
Aquellas palabras resultaron ser proféticas.
Those turned out to be prophetic words.
Luego resultó ser profética. –¿Qué era? – pregunté.
One that subsequently was shown to be prophetic.'     'And what was that?' I asked.
Igual que las dos pesadillas de Grace Mitowsky que habían resultado ser proféticas.
Just as Grace Mitowski’s two nightmares had turned out to be prophetic.
El miembro que faltaba del grupo fue conducido al interior, y la observación de Stein demostró ser profética.
The missing member of the group was ushered in, and Stein's observation proved to be prophetic.
Las palabras de Jesús, «todos los que tomen espada, a espada perecerán »,4 resultaron ser proféticas para Roma.
Jesus’ statement that those who live by the sword, shall die by the sword4 turned out to be prophetic for Rome.
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