Translation for "ser profesionales" to english
Ser profesionales
Translation examples
De ellas, el 46,4% que declararon ser "profesionales" y "técnicos y profesionales asociados", trabajaban en los ámbitos de la "educación" y la "salud y trabajo social", principalmente como maestras y enfermeras.
Of these, 46.4% of the women reported as "professionals" and "technical and associate professionals" respectively, were employed in "education" and "health and social work" industries employed mainly as teachers and nurses.
—No podemos ser profesionales todo el tiempo.
“We can’t be professional all of the time.”
Ellos pensaban que los criminales debían ser profesionales, caballeros.
They thought criminals should be professionals.
No veo la necesidad de ser profesional hasta ese punto.
I didn’t see the need to be professional down to the skin.”
Tragó saliva, deseando ser profesional, clínica.
She swallowed, willing herself to be professional, clinical.
La idea era que iba a ser profesional, dura pero comprensiva.
The idea was I was going to be professional, tough but understanding.
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