Translation for "ser un portavoz" to english
Ser un portavoz
  • be a spokesman
  • being a mouthpiece
Translation examples
be a spokesman
—Desdobló un papelito que le pasaron y lo leyó—: “Soy un trabajador ideológico del Partido —anunció con tolerancia y magnanimidad— por lo que ¿cómo voy a ser un portavoz del idealismo?”.
He unfolded a slip of paper handed up to him and read it. I am an ideological worker for the party, he announced with tolerance and magnanimity, so how could I be a spokesman for idealism?
being a mouthpiece
En enero de 1998, se les acusó de conspiración armada y de apoyar las actividades armadas del Frente de Liberación Oromo, y se acusó a Urji de ser el portavoz del Frente, aunque no se dieron más detalles sobre acusaciones.
In January 1998, the charges of armed conspiracy and providing support to the armed activities of the OLF were reportedly brought against the three, accusing "Urji" of being a "mouthpiece" for the OLF but giving no further details of these charges.
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