Translation for "seria seria" to english
Seria seria
  • it would be serious
  • serious serious
Translation examples
serious serious
¡Estos son serios, serios cargos! Robo de exámenes, vandalismo, destrucción de propiedad de la escuela.
These are serious, serious charges here— stealing tests, vandalism, destruction of school property.
No. O sea, no serio-serio.
I mean, not serious serious.
Ahora Travis se está preguntando... ¿seria seria o... no tan seria seria?
Now Travis is wondering... serious serious or... not so serious serious?
Los abortos realmente serios, serios los que salvan vidas lejos de nuestras esferas sociales. No puedes ponerles en riesgo, solo porque insistes en mostrarme los detalles sucios.
The really serious, serious abortions, the ones that save lives, far from our social spheres, you can't endanger them just because you provocatively insist on showing the gory details.
Una seria, seria emergencia.
A serious, serious emergency.
Y por mucho que hayas buscado, no es suficientemente bueno, porque todavía estarás en un serio serio agujero después de hoy.
And however much you scavenged, it's not good enough, because you're still in a serious, serious hole after today.
Estábamos en serios, serios problemas.
We were in serious, serious trouble.
Quizás serios, serios en medio del circo.
Perhaps serious, serious in the midst of the circus.
El único cambio es que me he vuelto serio. –¿Serio? –Eso es.
“The only change is, I’ve become serious.” “Serious?”
—Sí —respondió serio, y no serio en broma, sino serio, serio—.
he said, serious—and not mock-serious, but serious-serious.
–Tal vez fuera un enamoramiento pasajero, a aquella edad no se sabe distinguir, pero debió de ser una cosa muy seria, seria hasta el extremo de inducirla a fugarse de casa, aun a riesgo de enfrentarse con su padre, que era un carcelero, o eso me decía ella, por lo menos.
It was probably an infatuationat that age its hard to distinguish, you knowbut it certainly was something serious, serious enough to make her run away from home, to make her go against her father, who was like her jailer, or so she used to tell me, at least.
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