Translation for "siendo delicado" to english
Translation examples
—En mi opinión está siendo delicado y respetuoso —dijo Hogaza—.
“I think he was being delicate and respectful,”
¿Quieres seguir siendo delicado y vivir como un piojo toda la vida?
Do you want to go on being delicate and live like a louse all your life?
Don no supo si el apretón de Ben era normalmente flácido y débil o si estaba siendo delicado porque le estrechaba la mano a un hombre de ochenta y siete años. 18
Whether Ben’s shake was normally limp and weak, or whether he was being delicate because he knew he was shaking an eighty-seven-year-old’s hand, Don couldn’t say.
Todas la miraron con recelo, ninguna de ellas era capaz de imaginar al robusto esposo de Annabelle siendo delicado y cariñoso.
The others regarded her dubiously, none of them able to picture Annabelle's big, bold-featured husband as being sensitive in any way.
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