Translation for "sin comer" to english
Sin comer
  • without eating
Translation examples
without eating
Sin comer, idiotas.
Without eating, idiot.
Y también sin comer.
And without eating, too.
Sin comer ni dormir.
Without eating or sleeping.
La hostia. ¿Sin comer?
My ass. Without eating?
Te fuiste sin comer.
You left without eating.
¿Sin comer nada?
Without eating anything?
- ¿Te vas sin comer?
- Going off without eating?
- Sin comer, moriremos.
- Without eating, we die.
—¿Tres años sin comer?
“Three years without eating?”
Se fue a acostar sin comer.
And she went to bed without eating.
Se acostó sin comer.
She went to bed without eating.
—Pueden aguantar meses sin comer.
“They can go months without eating.”
¿Cree que puedo vivir sin comer?
Do you think I live without eating?
Me pasé un día sin comer. Y después otro.
I went a day without eating and then another day.
Podíamos pasar uno o dos días sin comer.
We could live a day or two without eating.
Robert podía pasarse sin comer mucho más tiempo que yo.
Robert could go without eating much longer than me.
Tenía apetito, pero podía sobrevivir sin comer durante mucho tiempo.
He was hungry, but he could survive without eating for a long time.
Durante tres días esperó fuera, sin comer y sin beber.
For three days, the woman waited outside the house, without eating or drinking.
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