Translation for "sophie era" to english
Sophie era
Translation examples
Fuente: Sophie Trémolet y Diane Binder.
Source: Sophie Trémolet and Diane Binder.
Sophie Olsson
Ms. Sophie Olsson
Sra. Sophie Jacquin, portavoz de la MINURSO
Mrs. Sophie Jacquin, MINURSO Spokesperson
Sra. Sophie Marsac
Ms. Sophie Marsac
(Firmado): Sophie Moal-Makame
(Signed): Sophie MOAL-MAKAME
Sophie era su novia ¿cierto?
Sophie was his girlfriend, right?
Pero Sophie era todo para él, y eran inseparables.
But Sophie was everything to him, and they were inseparable.
La única queja que tengo es que ellos dijeron... de que Sophie era muy "Cool" como para hacer la pelea de tortas en el restaurant. así que no me dejaron.
The only gripe I have was that they said that Sophie was too cool to do the cake fight in the restaurant so they wouldn't let me.
Pensé Sophie era mi recompensa por tratar de para vivir una buena vida.
I thought Sophie was my reward for trying to live a good life.
Sophie era la que no podía soportarlo.
Sophie was the one who couldn't stand it.
Sophie era algo especial, Cuando tocaba su guitarra.
Sophie was something special when she played her guitar.
Sea lo que sea que Tom estaba haciendo, ¿cree que Sophie era consciente de eso?
Whatever Tom was up to, do you think Sophie was aware of it?
De que esta comedia era de Sophie. —¿Sí? —dijo Sophie.
‘How this is Sophie’s show?’ ‘Were you?’ said Sophie.
Sophie, este es Mike —dijo—. Mike, Sophie.
Sophie, this is Mike,’ he said. ‘Mike, Sophie.’
—Se titula Todo el mundo quiere a Sophie. Yo soy Sophie.
‘It’s called Everyone Loves Sophie. I’m Sophie.’
Sophie —le dije—, Sophie, el whisky se terminó.
"Sophie," I said, "Sophie, the whiskey's all gone."
Sophie miró a Hans. Hans miró a Sophie.
Sophie looked at Hans. Hans looked at Sophie.
Clive miró a Sophie, y Sophie sacudió la cabeza.
Clive looked at Sophie and Sophie shook her head.
Sophie, ¿quieres…? Sophie ya le estaba diciendo que sí con la cabeza.
Sophie, do you want to—” Sophie was already nodding. “Yeah, okay.
—En casa de Sophie.
‘At Sophie’s house.
Sophie estaba hablando.
Sophie was talking.
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