Translation for "tener fama de" to english
Tener fama de
Translation examples
Todo gracias a tener fama de trabajar duro.
That was what he got for having a reputation for working hard.
A veces resulta muy útil tener fama de ser un capullo solitario y amoral.
Sometimes it is very useful to have a reputation for being a reclusive, amoral jerk.
Ay, señorita Shirley, no sabe lo terrible que es tener fama de ser hermosa y siempre temer que cuando la gente la conoce a una, piense que no era tan bonita como decían.
Oh, Miss Shirley, you don’t know how really terrible it is to have a reputation for beauty, and to be always afraid that when people meet you they will not think you as pretty as you were reported to be.
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