Translation for "tiene entradas" to english
Tiene entradas
  • has tickets
  • it has inputs
Translation examples
has tickets
Vince tiene entradas para Hawai en la 16a.
Vince has tickets for Hawaii on the 16th.
Porque Caleb tiene entradas... para el Teatro Griego, y son..
Because Caleb has tickets to the Greek Theater, and they are...
¿La señora Valandray tiene entradas?
Madame Valandray has tickets?
Tiene entradas para la Cena y Teatro Burt Reynolds.
He has tickets to the Burt Reynolds Dinner Theatre.
- No, Ben llamó tiene entradas para el Kennedy Center y...
- No, Ben called said he has tickets to the Kennedy Center, and...
Tiene entradas para Fausto para la proxima semana.
He has tickets next week to Faust.
Mi amiga tiene entradas para la ópera.
I won't be staying very long. My friend has tickets to the opera.
Pero Sonja tiene entradas para un evento y obviamente no quiero dejrle tirado.
But Sonja has tickets to some event and I obviously don't want to blow her off.
Ver a los Hawks era algo que siempre hacía con él, y... tiene entradas.
Hawks was something I always did with him, and... he has tickets.
Giles tiene entradas para el Nacional. —¿Puede ir solo?
‘Giles has tickets for the National.’ ‘Can he go alone?’
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