Translation for "tirarlo de" to english
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A veces, por mero capricho, te pueden quitar el documento de identidad, romperlo en pedazos y tirarlo, tras lo cual le dicen a la persona que vaya y consiga otro documento de identidad.
Sometimes, out of total whim, they would take the identity card, tear it to pieces and just throw it away, telling the person to go and get another identity card.
América Latina requiere de una nueva agenda económica que no esté basada en tirarles dinero a los problemas sociales, sino en comprender la naturaleza compleja de nuestros países e instituciones.
Latin America needs a new economic agenda, one not based at just throwing money at social problems. It needs an agenda that seeks to understand the complex nature of our countries and institutions.
Una vez vi cómo golpearon e insultaron en la calle a un trabajador palestino que tenía un cigarrillo en la mano y que se negó a tirarlo al suelo.
Once, before my very eyes, one Palestinian worker who had a cigarette in his hand and refused to throw it away, was beaten and insulted on the street.
Hubo testigos de las atrocidades del grupo contra la humanidad, tales como retorcer los brazos de madres de edad, tirarlas y pisar a las personas con discapacidad en sillas de ruedas.
The group's atrocities against humanity such as twisting arms of aged mothers, throwing them away and stepping on the disabled persons in wheelchair were witnessed.
En un momento dado, cuando el Inspector Principal trataba de tomar una fotografía desde la puerta del helicóptero, el acompañante se apoderó de la cámara e intentó tirarla fuera del aparato, anunciando al mismo tiempo que esa era su intención.
At one point, when the Chief Inspector endeavoured to take a photograph out of the door of the helicopter, the minder grabbed hold of the camera and attempted to throw it out of the aircraft, stating that this was his intention.
65. El 6 de febrero de 1995, aproximadamente a las 11.00 horas, un empleado del servicio local de recogida de basuras del pueblo de Stinatz (Estado federal de Burgenland) vaciaba los cubos y mientras trabajaba vio al lado de los contenedores un recipiente de aerosol que parecía vacío, por lo que decidió tirarlo con las restantes basuras.
65. At about 11 a.m. on 6 February 1995 an employee of the highways department in the village of Stinatz (Federal Province of Burgenland) was emptying dustbins. While doing so, he noticed an apparently empty aerosol can beside the dustbins and decided to throw it away with the other rubbish.
Le habrían atado las manos a la espalda, antes de tirarlo al suelo con la cara hacia arriba, haciéndole presión con una toalla en la nariz y la boca.
They allegedly tied his hands behind his back, before throwing him to the ground face upwards, exerting pressure on his nose and mouth with a towel.
La he sacado para tirarla de una vez.
I got it out today to throw it away. Definitely.
Iba a tirarlo de todas formas.
I was gonna throw it away anyway.
¿Cómo justificamos no tirarlo de vuelta?
Well, how do we justify not throwing it back?
¿Y quién está siempre para ir a buscarla y que ella pueda disfrutar de tirarla de nuevo?
And who's always there to bring it back, just so that she can have the enjoyment of throwing it again?
Cuando finalmente consiguió soltarse de ellas, trató de tirarlas de la cama, y ahí es cuando lo perdí.
When he finally got ahold of it, he tried to throw it out of the bed, and that's when I lost it.
Ella iba a tirarlo de todas formas.
She was gonna throw it out anyway.
- Puedo tirarlo de nuevo.
I can throw it again.
Solíamos romper su moto y empujarlo y robarle su pequeño sombrero y tirarlo de nuevo y esas cosas.
We used to break his bike and push him over and steal his little hat and throw it back and stuff.
¿Por qué no tirarlo?
Why not throw it away?
¿Por qué tirarlo todo por la...?
Why throw it all away…
Tendrían que tirarlo todo.
They would have to throw them out.
Tuvimos que tirarla.
We had to throw that one away.
Siempre podemos tirarla si nos cansamos. —¿Tirarla? ¡No!
“We can always throw it away when we get bored with it.” “Throw it away, no!
¿Tirarlo o guardarlo?
Throw it away or keep it?
Era hora de tirarlo.
It was time to throw it out.
Tirarlo todo a la basura.
Throw out everything.
—No pienso tirarla.
I'm not throwing it away.
¿Por qué no tirarlo a la basura?
Why not throw it out?
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