Translation for "tocando musica" to english
Tocando musica
Translation examples
Tocando música para hacerte sonreír...
Playing music to make you smile...
Como veis, estamos tocando música.
We were playing music as you can see.
¿Están tocando música aquí ahora?
They're playing music in here now?
- Kurt estaba tocando música ...
- Kurt was playing music...
Están tocando música ahí abajo.
They're playing music down there.
Puedo ganarme la vida tocando música.
- I can make a living playing music.
Estaban tocando música para los pacientes.
They were playing music for the patients.
hasta componiendo y tocando música.
even composed and played music.
El aire es fresco, y están tocando música en la gran sala.
The wind is cool and fresh. And they are playing music in the public rooms.
Si te pillan tocando música sin licencia, cogen tu instrumento y lo meten...
“They catch you playing music without a license, they take your instrument and they shove—”
—Es curioso pero de pronto todo el mundo está tocando música con rocas dentro —comentó el pequeño troll—.
“’S funny thing,” said the little troll. “Suddenly everyone’s playing music with rocks in it.
—Cierre ese aparato —le ordenó secamente. El aparato, que estaba tocando música de baile, quedó en silencio.
“Shut it off,” he said. And the radio, which was now playing music, clicked into silence.
Me pasé la tarde en el gallinero de los grifos, tocando música a Heloise para tranquilizarla mientras ponía su huevo.
I spent the afternoon in the griffin roost, playing music for Heloise to keep her calm while she laid her egg.
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