Translation for "tomas la palabra" to english
Tomas la palabra
  • you take the floor
  • take the word
Translation examples
take the word
Tomas la palabra "jamás"... e "imposible"... y cavas un hoyo y las entierras.
you take the word "impossible," and you dig a hole, and you bury them!
Tomas la palabra de una safista sobre la de tu propia sangre.
You take the word of a Sapphist over that of your own blood.
Te conozco, tomas la palabra del primero que te lo dice.
I know you, you take the word of the first official at face value.
No le tomas la palabra a cualquier relacionista público de pacotillas
You don't just take the word of some PR hack.
Al parecer, me leyó el pensamiento, porque dijo: —No me tomes la palabra.
Apparently reading my thoughts, she said, “Don’t take my word for it.
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