Translation for "tu invitaste" to english
Tu invitaste
Translation examples
Tu invitaste a entrar a Judy.
You invited Judy in.
Mamá, es mi cumpleaños y tu invitaste a tus amigos.
Mom, it's my birthday, and you invited your friends.
Tu invitaste un puñado de chicas aquí y luego intentaste anotar con todas ellas.
You invited a bunch of girls here And then you tried to hit on all of them.
-Tu invitaste a este tipo?
- Did you invite this guy?
Tu invitaste amigos para tener una coartada te aseguraste de que tu padre te pidiera prestado tu auto.
You invited friends over to give you an alibi, you made sure your father's car was out of commission so he'd have to borrow yours.
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