Translation for "un descuido" to english
Un descuido
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Translation examples
Esa omisión no fue un descuido.
That was not an oversight.
Quizá se trate de una omisión o descuido.
Perhaps this was an omission or oversight.
Esto podría considerarse un descuido.
This is probably an oversight.
No se trató de accidentes o descuidos.
These were not accidents or oversights.
Se invita a la delegación a subsanar este descuido.
The delegation might wish to address that oversight.
Consideraremos esto como un descuido, siempre es posible rectificar tales descuidos volviendo a llevar el asunto ante la Asamblea General.
We will consider this to be an oversight; there is always room to rectify such oversights by referring the issue back to the General Assembly.
Rectificará ese descuido lo antes posible.
He would rectify that oversight at the earliest opportunity.
b) Descuidos de los compradores;
(b) Oversight on the part of buyers;
La omisión de este aspecto había sido un descuido.
The omission of this point had been an oversight.
El Presidente le asegura que se corregirá este descuido.
11. The Chairman assured him that the oversight would be corrected.
Un descuido, Master.
An oversight, master.
Probablemente un descuido.
Probably an oversight.
Había sido un descuido, un simple descuido.
It was an oversight, a simple oversight.
Eso había sido un descuido.
That had been an oversight.
Un descuido estúpido.
A foolish oversight.
No hubo descuidos, ¿verdad?
There were no oversights, were there?
Ha sido un descuido por mi parte.
That was an oversight on my part.
Lo de la bolsa había sido un descuido.
The bag was just an oversight.
Mi descuido ha sido imperdonable.
My oversight was unpardonable.
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