Translation for "unas risas" to english
Unas risas
Translation examples
some laughs
Bueno, vamos a cenar, echamos unas risas...
"We'll go to dinner, have some laughs...
Lo bueno es que habéis echado unas risas.
The good thing is you gals had some laughs.
Echamos unas risas.
We had some laughs.
Ya sabe, lo de siempre, unas copas y unas risas.
You know, the usual thing, a few drinks, and some laughs!
Oí una voz desde el sotano, unas risas que me espantaron. -Riendonse?
I heard some sounds from the basement, some laughing, and it startled me.
- Hablamos, hicimos unas risas.
We talked, we shared some laughs.
Ya sabes, Navidad, Pascua, comparten unas risas y relatos.
You know, Christmas, Easter, share some laughs, old stories.
- Tiene que haber unas risas allí.
- There's gotta be some laughs there.
Había echado unas risas con los clientes y con los empleados.
He’d had some laughs with the customers and the help.
Se echaron unas risas y follaron como animales en la cama.
They had some laughs and fucked like animals in her bed.
¿Que nos echamos unas risas y fui muy maja contigo?», y el hombre le pregunta «¿Cómo te va?», y ella le dice «Pues estoy embarazada y me voy a suicidar», y el viajante le dice «Joder… SÍ QUE ERES MAJA».
We had some laughs, and I was a good sport?” and the man says, “How’re you doing?” and she says, “I’m pregnant, and I’m going to kill myself.”
Hubo unas risas educadas.
There was polite laughter.
Era rutina, unas risas.
It was routine as laughter.
Unas risas le interrumpieron.
              He was interrupted by laughter.
Más incluso que unas risas.
More than outright laughter.
Unas risas me despiertan.
I awaken to the sound of laughter.
Resonaron unas risas infantiles.
Children's laughter echoed.
Se oyen unas risas afectuosas.
There’s sympathetic laughter.
Se oyeron unas risas ahogadas.
There was a low ripple of laughter.
Unas risas cruzaron la estancia.
More laughter burst upon the room.
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