Translation for "vender bien" to english
Vender bien
Translation examples
Este tipo de tragedia venderá bien.
This sort of tragedy will sell well.
Conozco el caso de un editor holand s que usaba el ndice de libros prohibidos como gu a para sus publicaciones porque sab a que esos t tulos se iban a vender bien.
I have a case of one Dutch printer who looked at the index of prohibited books and used it for his publication program because he knew these were titles that would sell well.
Esto es algo que creo que se podría vender bien en India
This is something I think you could sell well in India.
¿Entonces se venderá bien?
So they're selling well?
No... el porno se venderá bien en el mercado negro. ¿Mercado negro?
No... on the black market porn will sell well.
Los piratas ten an agentes en Par s y tambi n en otros lugares que les enviaban p ginas de libros nuevos que pensaban que iban a vender bien.
The pirates had agents in Paris and everywhere else who were sending them sheets of new books, which they think will sell well.
Es para ponerlo en un álbum que esperes vender bien;
It's to go in an album you expect to sell well;
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