Translation for "financial arrangements" to french
Financial arrangements
Translation examples
I wasn't happy with the financial arrangements.
Je n'étais pas contente des arrangements financiers.
My financial arrangements are none of your concern.
Mes arrangements financiers ne vous concernent en rien.
Our financial arrangement... Did i say ten thousand Lempiras?
notre arrangement financier j'ai dis dix mille lempiras?
I have made some other financial arrangements.
Ainsi, messieurs, j'ai organisé quelques arrangements financiers.
SIMON (sighs): I need to talk to you about our financial arrangements.
Je dois vous parler de nos arrangements financiers.
We should discuss some sort of financial arrangement in which I...
Nous devrions discuter une sorte d'arrangement financier dans lequel je ...
As soon as we have completed our financial arrangements.
Dès que nous avons complété nos arrangements financiers.
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