Translation for "made his" to french
Translation examples
Counsel emphasizes that the author made his choice on the basis of his conviction, not on the basis of the length of service.
Le conseil insiste sur le fait que l'auteur a fait son choix en fonction de ses convictions et non de la durée du service.
He had made his first mistake.
Il avait fait sa première erreur.
- He made his last night run.
- Cette nuit, il a fait sa dernière sortie.
He's made his drop.
Il a fait sa vente.
I've made his acquaintance.
J'ai fait sa connaissance.
Ah, Rancor finally made his megachip.
Ah, Rancor a finalement fait sa prorpe puce
He's already made his first mistake.
Il a déjà fait sa première erreur.
He just made his last mistake.
Il a juste fait sa dernière erreur.
He's made his fortune.
Il a fait sa fortune.
Recently, Cresnic made his biggest deal.
Cresnic a récemment fait sa plus grosse affaire.
He made his bed.
Il a fait son lit.
Eddie's made his bed.
Eddie a fait son lit.
Ashley made his decision.
- Ashley a fait son choix.
He's made his choice.
II a fait son choix.
- Fischer made his case.
- Fischer a fait son cas.
- He made his choice.
-Il a fait son choix.
Roscoe made his choice.
- Roscoe a fait son choix.
Andy made his choice.
Andy a fait son choix.
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