Translation for "to put under" to french
To put under
Translation examples
It is, without place to doubt, the contemporary version more finished of a manual not only to put under tutelage the Cuban Nation, but to annihilate it.
C'est, sans aucun doute, la version contemporaine la plus parfaite d'un manuel d'instructions pour non seulement mettre sous tutelle la Nation cubaine, mais aussi pour l'anéantir.
The National Council of Armenians of Nakhijevan submitted several declarations to various international organizations, such as the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and UNESCO, requesting them to put under international protection the ancient Armenian monuments that had been destroyed in Nakhijevan from 1999 to 2003.
Le Conseil national des Arméniens du Nakhitchévan soumit plusieurs déclarations à diverses organisations internationales, telles que le Parlement européen, le Conseil de l'Europe, le Conseil international des monuments et des sites (ICOMOS) et l'UNESCO, leur demandant de mettre sous protection internationale les anciens monuments détruits au Nakhitchévan de 1999 à 2003.
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