Translation for "we were follow" to russian
Translation examples
We were following your uncle Scotty.
Мы следили за твоим дядей Скотти.
How'd you know we were following you?
Как ты узнал, что мы следили за вами?
Do you... do you remember who we were following?
Ты... ты помнишь, за кем мы следили?
You might have thought that we were following you.
Вы наверное думали, что мы следим за вами.
And we were following her for a different reason.
Правильно. И мы следим за ней по другой причине.
- Yes, ma'am, we were following a gang out of Rexdale.
Да, мэм, мы следили за бандой от Роксдейла.
We were following two guys who turned out to be mellifers.
Мы следили за двумя парнями, которые оказались медоносами.
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